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We Grew Up On Columbine

We Grew Up On Columbine I Queer Society

We grew up on columbine

Raised by trench coats

Nursed by 9mm's

We cut our teeth on Virginia Tech

Gnawing on holes in skulls

Wailing at the pain of protruding shells

Growing in our mouths

We walked with Oklahoma

And ran with Sandy Hook

We smoked pot with UCSB

Our laughter in gross harmony with our sisters' screams

And now we graduate with Orlando

Trading royal blue gowns for pale blue ones, open in the back

Trading open hearts for open veins

And pride for fear

But now is when we stand tall

When we lose the friends we grew up with

Goodbye Rodger

Goodbye Eric and Dylan

Goodbye Adam and Seung-Hui and all you other fuckers I've forgotten in my blackout

When we refuse to grow old with our iv's swapped for assault rifles

When we reclaim our childhood

A montage of tears and news reports and somber classrooms

When we say

No more

When we say

We are here

When we say

We grew up on Columbine

But we want our children to grow up on revolution

We grew up on Columbine

But we are not complacent

We grew up on Columbine

Too early and too fast

But because we grew up on Columbine


I would like for this to be a triumphant ending

To a beginning

Laws ushered in with golden horns blaring

But I did not grow up on fairy tales

I grew up on Columbine

And so I don't know

I don't know how we change

I am lost

And the only friends I know are fear and lock down drills

I smile at everyone

Hoping they won't shoot me

But if i smile at a man

Will he shoot into my queer teeth and shatter that homo smile?

Where is my fairy godmother

Where are my three wishes

Because I have them

1) No more hate

2) No more guns

3) Never forget those we've lost

And then

I'll live happily ever after

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