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Artist Spotlight: Owen Benfield

Artist Spotlight Q&A: Owen Benfield

Owen Benfield is a young, talented artist at Pace University and member of the LGBT+ community. Here is a small sampling of his work and a little more about what makes Owen's work so captivating.

Q: Where do you draw most of your inspiration from as an artist?

A lot of the time, I find myself pretty uninspired. However, I use that lack of inspiration as my inspiration, if that makes sense. I don’t necessarily have a distinctive style yet, which is fine, because that means I’m able to take my time and explore my options. In each shoot, I try something new or just roll with the flow. At the end, I look back and see what worked and what didn’t, and in that way I’m able to improve myself.

Q: Tell me a little about yourself... where are you from, where did you grow up.. what was your childhood like?

Hahaha this is a fun one. I’m from a special little town called Brewster, NY. I was born and raised there until I was fortunate enough to move out to New York City for school. My childhood was interesting. A lot of really messy family shit affected me pretty negatively for a long time, and for a while it held me back from being my happiest, truest self. I finally found a place in myself that allowed me to let go of the negativity I was holding onto as a result of what had happened, and since then I’ve been much better off. I refuse to look back on my life in any sort of negative manner, though. Although it may have been a bad time for sure, I know that I wouldn’t be where I am today had it not happened. For that I am thankful.

Q: How does your queer background or the queer community affect your photographs?

The effects are less visible in my photographs, but the impacts of the queer community run deep in me. I find a constant source of strength in the community I find myself a part of. Whether I need someone to pick me up on a bad day or give me a new perspective on an idea I’m working on or whatever it may be, I know I can turn to those around me for support.

Q: Why did you decide to become a photographer?

I mean, I’m more than a photographer. I mostly identify that way because it’s a bit harder to get work as a sculptor or a painter! In seriousness though, I chose photography because I find it to be the best type of challenge: with basically every other medium of art, you can literally craft your vision with whatever material you’re working with. With photography, however, if you have a vision in mind, you need to have that vision come to life in real life before you can document it properly as a photo. While Photoshop has certainly made that rule a bit more flexible, I find that the heart of it remains true. That aside, I shoot film anyway so I’m forced to be more authentic in my work.

Q: What has been your most touching or amazing moment you've experienced as a photographer?

One of the best moments I’ve had so far as a photographer/artist was at the second critique I had for my portrait photography class this semester. I had gone through hell and high water to book a studio to shoot in, and ended up not having anything even close to the types of equipment I would have needed for what I was shooting that day. The shoot came and went, and I ended up getting some images I was truly happy with. Eventually the critique came, and I put up my work for the class to see. As we scrolled through it all, everyone in the class ended up giving me multiple rounds of applause because they were so impressed with what I had done. That moment meant a lot to me A) because it’s nice to be validated, but B) because it reassured me that my hard work has not been for nothing. Getting a reaction like that proved to me that I have been learning and that I am showing improvement, which means the world to me.

Q: What other artists have been inspirational to you?

This is going to sound weirdly narcissistic, so bear with me, but I don’t take much inspiration from other artists. That may change in time, but for the time being I’m trying to work as myself and see what I can create in and of myself. It’s not usually how new artists work, but I’m giving it a try and seeing if I can be successful as a result of that.

Q: What type of artist would you describe yourself as?

Daring, spunky, alternative, fun, experimental, different

Contact Owen Benfield:

Instagram: @slowenowen

Twitter: @slowenowen

Facebook: Owen Benfield Photography


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